Princess Costumes Illustrator Claire Hummel created beautiful clothes for the Disney princess based of historical details of each history; and it still so magical! Flavorwire more » Published by aflama on . Last modified: 2012/08/31 10:30:03 PM
Reading ABC It has been a while… now, back to POSTS! Reading ABC can also be lots of fun for grown ups, thanks to Fabian Gonzalez! via Comunicadores more » Published by aflama on . Last modified: 2012/08/27 11:48:18 PM
Dreamy Photos Anja Mulder‘s photos are really interesting and expressive yet delicate. It’s very cute and refreshing! via NOTCOT more » Published by aflama on . Last modified: 2012/06/30 1:01:04 PM
May the 4th Be with You! Even though the Star Wars day is over this year what about a post celebration party? Or maybe get ready for next year? Williams-Sonoma have all the tools you will need for a Star Wars party event! PS. May the Force be with you “Eric”! Welcome to this galaxy far, far away… ? us! more » Published by aflama on . Last modified: 2014/02/16 3:06:13 AM
Lovely Handstitch Laura “Lupin” Howard has the cutest felt works. All the work is original and 100% handstitched. The cool thing about Laura’s work is that you can try on your own (with the detailed online tutorial – like the cloud mobile above) or, if you just want it, you can get it on her online shop! more » Published by aflama on . Last modified: 2014/02/26 1:02:23 AM
“Simply” Ready for Summer Get ready for summer with these cute and colorful personalized beach bags from Simply-bags; you’ll have fine customize embroidery, great service and fresh designs! more » Published by aflama on . Last modified: 2014/02/25 11:29:06 PM
Atomic Bonsai I think bonsais are great but unfortunately my little tree died today after months of care (the heated air didn’t help too). I guess the next step is get a new one to last some more months or get another one to last forever. more » Published by aflama on . Last modified: 2016/05/11 10:06:04 AM
Fashion at your Fingertips Get ready for spring with some super easy accessories! What about a macrame-style rope necklace? Erica Domesek has all the steps for you! via P.S. – I made this more » Published by aflama on . Last modified: 2014/01/28 12:07:17 AM
Tea For All Tastes If you like tea or not we all have to agree that the tea bags lately have gone beyond our imagination – it’s so creative, fun and elegant. Have a look on this tea packaging collection and get amazed! via toxel more » Published by aflama on . Last modified: 2014/01/28 12:24:37 AM
Edible Utensils Julien Madérou had the perfect idea for salad servers: edible utensils; it’s green, delicious and useful! And the best part, so EASY (look the recipe)! Doesn’t it look/taste great?! via bem legaus more » Published by aflama on . Last modified: 2014/01/28 12:24:37 AM
TetraBox Lamp Need a new lamp but want it cool and green? The designer Ed Chew has the perfect take on that: TetraBox lamp. Get some milk/juice carton put some hexagonal and pentagonal shapes, and voilà, an impressive lamp right away! via Yanko Design more » Published by aflama on . Last modified: 2014/01/28 12:07:37 AM
New Concept of Comic Book We are already so used to online reading, why not take advantage of the modern technology? Soul Reaper is a new concept of comic book using HTML5; and it’s simply AMAZING; Have a look for yourself! more » Published by aflama on . Last modified: 2012/03/18 9:29:40 PM
Positive New Year Sandrine Estrade is a French artist with a beautiful message: “create a sensitive work that is fun, positive and totally disinhibited. In our crazy world surrounded by technology, where mobile phones, personal computers, game consoles and internet sites have become the main actors of our everyday life, it is essential to realize that we can […] more » Published by aflama on . Last modified: 2011/12/31 6:53:35 PM
Crazy Paper Thing Looking for something to pass time? What about this crazy thing? FUN! more » Published by aflama on . Last modified: 2014/01/27 9:52:37 PM
Pos Halloween Halloween is gone, what to do with the pumpkins left? What about an Autumn centerpiece, it still is Autumn! And you can sure use it for Thanksgiving; I bet will be an unexpected and beautiful decor to your holiday! via Lauren Conrad more » Published by aflama on . Last modified: 2014/01/28 12:07:48 AM
Cinemagraph Jamie Beck and Kevin Burg, a photographer and a visual graphics artist, got together and brought back a modern version of the old animated gif: cinemagraph, an image that contains within itself a living moment that allows a glimpse of time to be experienced and preserved endlessly! Just PRETTY! via Coca Colla it more » Published by aflama on . Last modified: 2011/10/21 10:45:45 PM
The Art of Clean Up Ursus Wehrli, a Swiss artist, came up with the concept of cleaning up our everyday lives. Can you believe it? I thought it was AMAZING! via Fubiz more » Published by aflama on . Last modified: 2011/10/15 10:47:08 PM
Inspirations: Year 3 I’m proud to say that this site has completed 3 years of existence, thank you all! Although life has lately added many more activities to my life I still love to share things that inspires and amazes me. And to celebrate: a very cool inspirational gallery of artwork by From up North. more » Published by aflama on . Last modified: 2017/03/14 1:20:48 PM
First Day of Fall Today is the first official day of fall (It’s fall already?!). The good news is: fall shopping! I’m getting ready: I just got this super comfortable and cute Ugg boots (now with 40% off) – my toes are warm and ready! Are you all set? more » Published by aflama on . Last modified: 2011/09/23 10:30:13 PM
Gumball Necklace Creature conforts is a blog full of beautiful little details. Can you believe this awesome gumball necklace? Fantastic and delicious! You can probably get the concept and be creative – NHAM! more » Published by aflama on . Last modified: 2014/01/28 12:07:57 AM
Human Scupture A very curious and intriguing performance by choreographer Willi Dorner happened in New York last month: Bodies in Urban Spaces. “Starting at sunrise, the performers inched their way into different spaces throughout lower Manhattan” – WOW! via sweet station more » Published by aflama on . Last modified: 2011/08/18 12:22:42 AM
Matchbook Candels Looking to solve a candle emergency for birthday, engagement or candle light dinner? Poketo 5 Minute Candles is the perfect solution: candles like an ordinary book of matches. Very cute! via Shop.Friends more » Published by aflama on . Last modified: 2014/01/28 12:24:37 AM
Dance Acapella Medley There is no way to be still listening the Danish acapella vocal group paying tribute to the 90’s dance hits on their a capella way: let’s dance! via Likecool more » Published by aflama on . Last modified: 2014/01/27 9:51:32 PM
Doo.Ri tights Fashion is about creativity. Shin Park share with us some steps to own a fashion piece inspired by Doo.Ri tights; loved! via Park and Cube more » Published by aflama on . Last modified: 2014/01/28 12:08:10 AM
Papercraft Model Paper Model Factory (PMF) has a very cute collection of papercraft models; a fun and entertaining indoor activity for these crazy hot days! more » Published by aflama on . Last modified: 2014/01/28 12:24:37 AM
Markertees Do you have something to say? Markertees will help you to share with the world: “write on, wear, wash off, repeat…“! That’s Brilliant ! via Brandflakes for Breakfast more » Published by aflama on . Last modified: 2014/02/26 3:32:38 AM
The Perfect Bow If you ever tried to do a lace bow you know that it always get funky! Luckily, Tiffany shared the secret for the perfect bow: a fork! via Scrap Tiffany more » Published by aflama on . Last modified: 2014/01/28 12:08:33 AM
Colorful Characters McDonald’s tray liners in Brazil are really fun, all thanks to Hiro, a Brazilian illustrator responsible for many fun and colorful characters; so adorable! more » Published by aflama on . Last modified: 2011/07/20 11:54:40 PM
Pushing The Limits O-M-G, this is the coolest ad ever! It blew me away! Tippex really made my day with this video, presentation, interaction, plus animal cruelty awareness – just AWESOME! Ps. Some fun texts I tried “danced with”, “had sex with”, “kissed”, “hugged”! more » Published by aflama on . Last modified: 2014/03/04 9:54:38 PM
Paperfashion I can’t stop staring the drawings of fashion illustrator Kathryn Elyse Rodgers. Her art is so vivid and inspiring – just love it! more » Published by aflama on . Last modified: 2011/07/06 9:39:01 PM
Instructables Instructables is a great web-source for learning and creative think! The crayons reuse/remake shown above is just one of the many projects you could try; loved! more » Published by aflama on . Last modified: 2014/01/28 12:09:15 AM
The Invisible Man Liu Bolin is an amazing Chinese artist known for “taking photographs of himself, painted in order to blend in with the background“. Really! No Photoshop or picture tricks – wow! via v1kram’s posterous more » Published by aflama on . Last modified: 2011/05/27 11:57:03 PM
Ugg For Spring Did you know that you can use your Ugg Boots also at spring? I just found out! Some of them are water resistant and their thermostatic properties make it warm in winter and cool in summer; I guess we can use them a little longer… more » Published by aflama on . Last modified: 2014/02/25 11:33:25 PM
IKEA Star Wars “??Have you ever wondered how Star Wars might be viewed in hieroglyphics? Or what if the movie was remade by IKEA?” Well, Wayne Dorrington, a digital designer and illustrator did! His work is really cool and creative, have a look! via 42concepts more » Published by aflama on . Last modified: 2011/05/19 10:47:32 PM
Imaginary Friends Very interesting and creative work from Dmitry Maximov; his magical world of reality and imagination is really beautiful! via 42concepts more » Published by aflama on . Last modified: 2011/05/15 11:24:02 PM
Encore Des Tours Peter Root is a very interesting artist, his work involves “highly labour-intensive, mantra-like procedures of construction and assemblage“. Have a look on how his work “encore des Tours” (image above) was made! via Ubersuper more » Published by aflama on . Last modified: 2011/04/20 11:03:50 PM
How Does a Pumpkin Grows? …and That’s how a pumpkin grows; a happy video for a happy day! Ps. For a little “pumpkin” who is growing really fast – happy 2M! more » Published by aflama on . Last modified: 2014/01/27 9:54:01 PM
Beginnings Anne Geddes can certainly portrait the beauty of life; beggings is her sixth book: “a celebration of new life, exploring the parallels between nature, newborns and pregnancy”. PS. “Little Anne”, welcome to the world; we <3 you! more » Published by aflama on . Last modified: 2016/12/05 4:44:32 PM
Streets of the World Love is in the air or should I say on the streets? Unurth is an awesome street art blog full of graffiti, stencils, pasteups, sculptures from around the world. Get inspired or share! P.S. Happy Valentine’s Day ? more » Published by aflama on . Last modified: 2011/02/14 1:12:50 PM
Repurposing Ideas Looking for some recycling ideas? How about repurposing some “trecos” (stuff) that you might already have? Reuben Miller has some good tips! more » Published by aflama on . Last modified: 2014/01/28 12:09:25 AM